Defy Aging with Human Growth Hormone

Getting old is not what is used to be. Traditionally, aging is pictured at age 60 and is characterized by the deterioration of health and major changes in physical characteristics. Aging is actually inevitable, but then it can be stopped and even reversed. Reversing the aging process has been made possible by hormone therapies. It has been known that important hormones such as human growth hormone declines with advancing years. Treating with the deficient hormone is then considered effective way to counter the aging process.

What is Human Growth Hormone?
Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland. HGH is needed in various biological processes including cell repair and growth. During childhood years up to adolescence, there is peak production of this important hormone. Thus, growth spurt occurs. However, as growth stops, the production of the hormone declines significantly. At middle age, the hormone is expected to have been reduced greatly so that the signs and symptoms of aging are observed in the physical appearance and occurrence of age-related health problems.

In 1990, Dr. Daniel Rudman and the researchers from the University of Wisconsin administered synthetic human growth hormone to healthy men aged 60 to 80 years old. The injections reversed the signs of aging by twenty years. Some of the reported effects of human growth hormone injections include decrease in body fat, increase in skin thickness, increased strength, improved memory, increased vigor and enhanced stamina. The administration of the synthetic hormone was not associated with changes in diet or lifestyle. Thus, the changes were all accounted to the effects of human growth hormone.

The Age of HGH Supplements
The Rudman study was a landmark in the development of HGH supplements. At present, it is normal to encounter manufacturers of HGH products ranging from injections, pills and sprays. All these products promise to provide the anti-aging benefits of HGH. Essentially, people with hormone deficiency have successfully received the hormone through injections. However, injections are not without risks. Injections, though effective, are very costly. It was reported that due to the high HGH content in injections, some people developed adverse reactions with it.
Synthetic human growth hormone may not work well with the body. The body may even reject it thus adverse reactions and side effects occur. These drawbacks of HGH injections resulted in the development of alternative methods of increasing the hormone levels. HGH sprays have been found a convenient and highly efficient method of delivering the HGH boosters in the body. HGH sprays supplement the body with human growth hormone indirectly. That is, these sprays do not use synthetic HGH like injections, but it contains the so-called HGH boosters which promotes natural production of the hormone by the pituitary gland.

Boosting the levels of natural hormone does not cause side effects. The main function the sprays are to deliver the ingredients which would signal the pituitary gland to produce and release the hormone to the bloodstream. Defying the aging process can happen naturally, efficiently and safely with sprays.
If you want to learn more about human growth hormone sprays, visit

Author : Colin Wilson


T Fulton

HGH is what gives us our youth, vitality and strength. Without it, well, we get old. Aging is inevitable, but many people aren't willing accept that fate without putting up a fight.

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